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Little Girl washing hands with antibacterial soap
By Hannah Echols
Back-to-school time brings an excitement for new classes, a new year, and new opportunities. However, it can also bring an increase in illnesses for kids, teachers, and parents. “When kids return to school, they are suddenly in close contact with many students who are outside their summer social circle and could be exposed to new germs, which can lead to an increase in illnesses like the common cold,” says Suzanne Judd, Ph.D., chair of the University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Health Behavior. “Kids can then bring germs home to their parents and family, who can inadvertently take those germs to the workplace.” This time of year makes homes, classrooms, and workplaces breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. Judd discusses ways to limit the spread in these places to protect your friends, family, and coworkers.
Start at Home
“You cannot germ-proof your home, but you can clean and disinfect things to improve chances of preventing the spread of illnesses,” Judd says. Cleaning commonly touched surfaces with soap and water and disinfectant sprays can kill germs and lower chances of becoming infected. The biggest germ sources in the home are surfaces such as countertops, doorknobs, computer keyboards, toys, phones, and faucet handles.
If someone is sick, Judd advises to avoid sharing items such as cups and glasses, silverware, and towels with them. “If it is possible, choose a bathroom for the sick person to use and their own bedroom to sleep in, and plan to clean these rooms daily,” she says. “Frequently washing your hands and having disposable face masks, especially for house members with medical conditions, are also good preventive measures.”
Educate Children in the Classroom
Teaching children about germs, bacteria, and other contagious diseases starts at home but should continue at school, as well. Children spend most of their days at school or daycare, and they need to be healthy and present to succeed in the classroom.
In classrooms, educators should take charge of teaching cleanliness and disinfecting techniques. Some activities include:
Singing “If You’re Happy and You Know It, Scrub Your Hands” while washing your hands to ensure that students wash for the appropriate amount of time.
Modeling how to wash your hands with the appropriate amount of soap.
Coughing or sneezing into elbows/sleeves if tissues are not available.
Simulating how germs spread by using a drop of unscented lotion and a pinch of glitter. Make a fist with the glitter in it, then open the hand to show how glitter spreads. The teacher touches another child’s hand to show how the glitter spreads easily. Use a paper towel to wipe off the glitter. The glitter is hard to get off, showing how easily germs spread from person to person.
Parents can also contribute to promoting keeping germs out of the classrooms by:
Sending hand sanitizer, paper towels, tissues, and disinfectants to help keep the classroom clean.
Keeping the child at home if they are running a fever, coughing, or sneezing excessively or if they are lethargic. If symptoms persist, call your pediatrician.
Teaching children proper hand washing techniques by supervising them for the first few times.
Exemplifying cleaning behaviors by keeping your home organized and disinfected.
Keep it Clean at Work
Like infection prevention at home, Judd says following simple hygiene rules in the workplace can keep you and your coworkers safe:
Stay home if you are not feeling well.
Wash hands frequently.
Sanitize hands often.
Reconsider eating together if you or one of your colleagues has cold symptoms.
Minimize close contact such as shaking hands and giving hugs.
Have cleaning supplies such as disinfectant wipes and sanitizers readily available.